


ROSTI is the register of Orthopaedic and Soft tissue Therapist of Ireland.

ROSTI is the only independent and non-profit register in Ireland.

The Register Of Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Therapists Of Ireland is involved in:

  • Setting standards of education and training for the professionals they regulate.
  • Setting standards of conduct, ethics and competence required to remain on the register.

Benefits of becoming a member of the R.O.S.T.I include:

  • Representation for qualified members to VHI, Laya and Irish Life Health.
  • C.P.D. courses organised in Ireland on subjects that have significant interest in othopaedic therapy.
  • Access to ROSTI group insurance scheme offering great cover at a competitive price.

ROSTI benefits the public by ensuring that therapists are:

  • Safe
  • Qualified &
  • Professional

Whenever you see a health professional you need reassurance about the person treating you. You need to know they meet the professional standards. Our members have to abide by a strict code of ethics and professional practice.

We strive to be an effective voice in the midst of a continually changing health care climate. We have a dedicated committee who work together to promote and protect the health, welfare and safety of the public.

- Posted
2008 days ago

Check a therapists registration

Check to see if your therapist is registered.

Members Benefits

Approval for members by VHI, Laya and Irish Life Health. Access to articles on conditions and injuries, upcoming course and advertising etc. C.P.D. courses organised in Ireland on subjects that have significant interest in orthopaedic and soft tissue therapists.

Access to ROSTI group insurance scheme offering great cover at a competitive price.